Burnt out? How Purposeful Leadership Is the Solution

Available for Interviews: Nell Derick Debevoise

Nell Derick Debevoise is the Founder & CEO of Inspiring Capital and the author of the new book, Going First: Find the Courage to Lead Purposefully and Inspire Action is available on Amazon.

What Nell Derick Debevoise can say in an interview on
Burnout & Purposeful Leadership:

        • If you’re not burnt out, someone on your team or in your household is—or is at risk of getting there. A nonprofit, Mental Health America, showed that most employees are burnt out. 60% of leaders report feeling ‘used up’ by the end of the day, and are six times more likely to plan to leave their jobs. So if you’re not worried about burnout, you’re wrong. 

        • Burnout leads to headaches, poor sleep, and more severe health outcomes including heart disease. The cost of workers’ poor mental and physical health was $575 billion in the US before the pandemic—2020 statistics will surely come out much higher.
        • Purposeful leaders are equipped to reduce burnout because they optimize for performance on the Me, We, and World levels. They take care of their own well-being, which sets a powerful example for their teams to do the same.
        • On the We level, purposeful leaders understand what makes a team work well, and it includes trust, open communication, and each members’ physical and mental wellbeing. They have the empathy to notice or imagine what people are going through and support them accordingly.
        • Finally, purposeful leaders know why they’re doing what they’re doing, and how it impacts the world around them. Further, they’re able to communicate that significance to their teams and take the time to do so. This sense of mattering—understanding how your work contributes to a larger outcome—helps build resilience, but also a longer-term perspective. 
        • When you integrate an authentic and holistic sense of purpose into your work, you reduce your threat of burnout and help your team do the same.


Interview: Nell Derick Debevoise

Nell Derick Debevoise is the Founder & CEO of Inspiring Capital and helps purpose-driven leaders expand their impact, grow their businesses, and build legacies—partnering with leaders and companies that are good for the people and the planet around them. Her approach is informed by her experience living and working on 4 continents; studying at Harvard, Cambridge, Columbia, and London Business Schools; and in working with CEOs, and other people-leaders of American Express, Cisco, Google, and hyper-growth startups in the health, consumer, and fintech sectors. She’s a Senior Contributor to Forbes, and her first book, Going First: Find the Courage to Lead Purposefully and Inspire Action is available on Amazon.

Going First: Find the Courage to Lead Purposefully and Inspire Action (Purposeful Leadership Book 1) by [Nell Derick Debevoise]

Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.

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