Secrets About Money That Can Change Your Life

Available for Interviews: Harry Abrahamsen

Harry J. Abrahamsen is Founder & CEO Abrahamsen Financial Group. His company offers customized wealth management solutions—creating plans and portfolios that protect, preserve, and grow client’s wealth. He was selected as one of the ten most dependable Wealth Managers in the Mid-Atlantic as published in Forbes magazine.

What Harry Abramhamsen can say in an interview:

Financial missteps to avoid:

  1. Do not roll a previous employer’s 401 (k) into a new employers 401 (k) plan
  2. Consider investing your previous employer’s 401 (k) into a fixed indexed annuity with no fees, this way your money is invested with uncapped upside growth potential and zero risk for market volatility.

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The New Normal in Travel This Season

Available for Interviews:  Christopher Elliott

Christopher Elliott is an author, advocate, and journalist. He writes six weekly columns about customer service, with a special emphasis on travel and technology. His work reaches more than 10 million readers a week. You
have likely read his work in USA Today or The Washington Post.

What Travel Expert and Consumer Advocate, Christopher Elliot,
could say about Travel:

“Travelers are realizing that the new normal means adapting to an ever-growing set of new policies and procedures, covering everything from coronavirus testing to sanitation protocols,” says Christopher Elliott.

COVID has changed the way we travel forever. But how?

If you’re planning to travel for the holidays, prepare for mask requirements on mass transit and to show a vaccination passport or proof of vaccination. Travel insurance may be mandatory, too.

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Money Is Like Fruit: How to Keep Yours Ripe for the Future

Available for Interviews: Harry Abrahamsen

Harry J. Abrahamsen is Founder & CEO Abrahamsen Financial Group. His company offers customized wealth management solutions—creating plans and portfolios that protect, preserve, and grow client’s wealth. He was selected as one of the ten most dependable Wealth Managers in the Mid-Atlantic as published in Forbes magazine.


What Harry Abramhamsen can say in an interview about
Applying How to Maximize Your Money’s Potential:

Money Is not Math, and Math Is not Money

Money behaves more like a piece of fruit than mathematics.

Math is perfect. 1 + 1 will equal 2 . . . Forever.  But one dollar today plus one dollar a year from today will never equal two dollars because of taxes and inflation.  Money erodes over time. It’s just not about money eroding from today to your retirement years but for the rest of your life.  Money erodes over time in the form of:

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How to Manage New Post-COVID Business Expenses

Available for Interviews:  Marc Freedman

Marc Freedman is Certified Expense Reduction Consultant advising businesses on keeping more of the money they make. He is also the author of Expense to Profit: Eliminate The Costs That Sabotage Your Growth.

Talking Points / What Mark Freedman can say in an interview
on Managing Post-COVID Business Expenses

Hire an Expense Reduction Consultant to manage business expenses will save companies thousands and thousands of dollars.

Here are some areas that need to be examined in the post-COVID environment:

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5 Things Business Can Do Right Now in the Extended COVID Environment

Available for Interviews:  Marc Freedman

Marc Freedman is Certified Expense Reduction Consultant advising businesses on keeping more of the money they make. He is also the author of Expense to Profit: Eliminate The Costs That Sabotage Your Growth.

Talking Points / What Mark Freedman can say in an interview:

 1. Remote Solutions. With most of your workforce working remotely, review your “new normal” solutions. 

 2. Office Leases. As a business owner you can reduce your office footprint by renegotiating leases.

Continue reading “5 Things Business Can Do Right Now in the Extended COVID Environment”

The “New Normal?” Examine Your Costs Now for a Changing Work Environment

Available for Interviews:  Marc Freedman

Marc Freedman is Certified Expense Reduction Consultant advising businesses on keeping more of the money they make. He is also the author of Expense to Profit: Eliminate The Costs That Sabotage Your Growth.

Talking Points / What Mark Freedman can say in an interview
on Examining Your Costs for a Changing Work Environment:

  1. Have you surveyed your workforce to determine if they want to return to the office or work remotely?

Continue reading “The “New Normal?” Examine Your Costs Now for a Changing Work Environment”

Business Interruption Insurance During the Pandemic

Interview Phil Crowley.

Philip P. Crowley, is a dedicated attorney who has been handling legal matters for pharmaceutical, biomedical, medical devices, information technology and other technology companies for over 30 years. He has also spent nearly 25 years on the board of trustees of the Stevens Institute of Technology, with substantial involvement in the oversight of academic innovation and entrepreneurship.


Talking Points from Phil Crowley
on Business Interruption Insurance:

  • The COVID-19 epidemic teaches us about selecting business interruption insurance.

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