Reduce Your Risk of Becoming a Cyber Crime Victim

Available for Interviews:  Paul Tracey

Paul Tracey is the Founder & CEO of Innovative Technologies, a Managed Security Service Provider in New York, and is a national speaker, cyber security educator, small business advocate, and author of Delete The Hacker Playbook and Cyber Storm.

What Paul Tracey can say in an interview on
Staying Cyber Secure:

Internet security threats such as malware, ransomware, botnets, Wi-Fi threats, phishing, hacking, data loss, malicious websites . . . What can we do to protect ourselves from cyber attacks?!

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5 Scary Internet Mistakes We Commonly Make

Available for Interviews:  Paul Tracey

Paul Tracey is the Founder & CEO of Innovative Technologies, a Managed Security Service Provider in New York, and is a national speaker, cyber security educator, small business advocate, and author of Delete The Hacker Playbook and Cyber Storm.

What Paul Tracey can say in an interview on
The Common Internet Mistakes We Make:

We have all heard the reports or possibly done business with a company that’s been breached. Our digital security issues are not going away.  The truth is we can do a great deal to protect our data just by changing some of our online behaviors. Here are 5 easily correctable mistakes being made when we are online:

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Expert Sources Available

These Expert Sources Are Are Available
During the Holidays . . .


Available for TOPICS on Cyber Security, Data Protection,
National Security Threats
Paul Tracey, Founder & CEO of a Managed Security Service Provider firm, Innovative Technologies, and is a national speaker, cyber security educator, small business advocate, and author of Delete The Hacker Playbook.

Available for TOPICS on Workplace, Business Productivity, Remote Work
Leni Rivera, corporate leader, workplace experience specialist, is passionate about enabling, supporting, and engaging employees to thrive in physical environments that are conducive to both productivity and happiness, and author of Workplace Experience.

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4 Dangers of Using USB Thumb Drives and How to Secure Data

Available for Interviews:  Paul Tracey

Paul Tracey is the Founder & CEO of Innovative Technologies, a Managed Security Service Provider in New York, and is a national speaker, cyber security educator, small business advocate, and author of Delete The Hacker Playbook and Cyber Storm. 

What Paul Tracey can say in an interview on
Thumb Drives:

 1. Malware potential. USB drives are a great way to make malware portable without breaking in through your internet access.  If USB access is open on your computers anyone can slip one in and in less time than you can make a single cup of coffee, have all of your data on the cloud.  Unfortunately, we are finding that this not only comes from bad actors adding malware on a regular drive but also from the supply chain. This is where the drive comes infected from the factory. Some attackers have also targeted electronic devices directly, and have infected items such as electronic picture frames and USB devices during production. When users buy the infected products and plug them into their computers, malware is installed on their computers.

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5 Things Business Can Do Right Now in the Extended COVID Environment

Available for Interviews:  Marc Freedman

Marc Freedman is Certified Expense Reduction Consultant advising businesses on keeping more of the money they make. He is also the author of Expense to Profit: Eliminate The Costs That Sabotage Your Growth.

Talking Points / What Mark Freedman can say in an interview:

 1. Remote Solutions. With most of your workforce working remotely, review your “new normal” solutions. 

 2. Office Leases. As a business owner you can reduce your office footprint by renegotiating leases.

Continue reading “5 Things Business Can Do Right Now in the Extended COVID Environment”