Taking the Workplace Revolution to Its Next Evolution

Available for Interviews:  Leni Rivera

Leni Rivera is a Workplace Experience specialist and author of its very first book in the industry, Workplace Experience. Her passion is creating work environments that enable employees to be both productive and happy, regardless of where that is. 

What Leni Rivera can say in an interview about
The Workplace Revolution:

Is the “hybrid workplace” only a half-measure, or is it the end destination of this workplace evolution? To understand the direction of the workplace revolution, it’s important to first understand how the change began, and the extreme circumstances around which it did.

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How to Manage New Post-COVID Business Expenses

Available for Interviews:  Marc Freedman

Marc Freedman is Certified Expense Reduction Consultant advising businesses on keeping more of the money they make. He is also the author of Expense to Profit: Eliminate The Costs That Sabotage Your Growth.

Talking Points / What Mark Freedman can say in an interview
on Managing Post-COVID Business Expenses

Hire an Expense Reduction Consultant to manage business expenses will save companies thousands and thousands of dollars.

Here are some areas that need to be examined in the post-COVID environment:

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