Available for Interviews: Teddi Ann Barry
Teddy Ann Barry, Esq. is a family attorney and writer who has been serving families through divorce and custody and has been practicing family law for over twenty years, and also comes with a wealth of experience in mediation and collaborative law. She is also the author of The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Divorce in Colorado.
What Teddi Ann Barry can say in an interview on
Co-Parenting Tips for the New School Year:
The school year is already well underway. If you’re co-parenting, the stress may already be building when it comes to schedules, transportation, and finances, to name a few. It is paramount to try to mitigate the stress that often comes with raising a child. Good communication will solve and head0ff problems before they even present themselves.
Here are 5 essential tips for co-parenting to make the year run smoothly, happily, and resentment-free:
1) Review School Calendars
with Your Parenting Plan
Broadbrushing the school year as far as the school calendar, as well as school and personal commitments your child may have, will help to avoid conflict down the road. Whether it is sports, music lessons, or a club that the child is involved in—it’s extremely helpful when both parents know the child’s schedule so that he or she can be best supported—transportation, deadlines that need to be adhered to, or just being able to be present for a special occasion goes a long way.
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