There’s Never Been an Easier Time to Become an Author

Available for Interviews:  Trevor Crane,
Publisher, Epic Author Publishing

Here’s what Trevor Crane can say on this topic:

      • Gone are the days when you needed “permission” from a group of people you’ve never met (aka a traditional publisher) to tell you that your book is worthy.
      • While there are more authors than ever before, there are more publishers than ever before, too.
      • There are more options for independently publishing a book than ever before. Continue reading “There’s Never Been an Easier Time to Become an Author”

Starting a New Biz in 2020? 5 Reasons Why Startups With Great Technology Fail

Interview Phil Crowley.

Philip P. Crowley, is a dedicated attorney who has been handling legal matters for pharmaceutical, biomedical, medical devices, information technology and other technology companies for over 30 years. He has also spent nearly 25 years on the board of trustees of the Stevens Institute of Technology, with substantial involvement in the oversight of academic innovation and entrepreneurship.

Talking Points from Phil Crowley on How Startups
With Great Technology Can Often Fail

Having great “ground-breaking” technology is one requirement for success in the tech world. But there are obstacles to success that entrepreneurs ignore at their peril. Here are five of them:

Daring to Follow Your Dreams—Despite the Doubters

Geeta Nadkarni, founder of: and
writes about overcoming the naysayers of the world. . . .

When I first had the idea to turn my knowledge of PR and messaging into an online course, it was as if I grew a second head! Everyone either didn’t understand what I was trying to do, or thought I was an irresponsible idiot for investing my meager savings in pursuing my dreams by coaching others.

Continue reading “Daring to Follow Your Dreams—Despite the Doubters”

Coaching Is a Billion Dollar Industry: How to Avoid the Fake Guru’s

Coaching is a billion dollar industry. But, this is a bubble industry.  So how does one avoid the fake gurus?

Coaching has become a bad word because there are too many folks out there calling themselves coaches and offering to help you do something they have not been able to accomplish themselves. They read books and apply theory without having field tested it themselves, which breaks hearts and leaves a ton of disappointed clients.

Continue reading “Coaching Is a Billion Dollar Industry: How to Avoid the Fake Guru’s”

The Gig Economy – The Best Thing You Can Sell (Information)

Interview Business Coach, Geeta Nadkarni

Here are a few things Geeta Nadkarni could say on this topic:

    • The best thing to sell… information.  Information doesn’t require a storefront.  An information business can start very inexpensively.  I started mine for $300 and was making more than 6 figures in 6 months.
    • Coaching and consulting is the type of business started. Now I show others how to take their expertise and sell coaching and consulting.  We have clients who are making multiple six figures on the way to 7 figures. Continue reading “The Gig Economy – The Best Thing You Can Sell (Information)”