Planning for the Holidays / Avoiding Stress When Co-Parenting

Available for Interviews: Teddi Ann Barry

Teddy Ann Barry, Esq. is a family attorney and writer who has been serving families through divorce and custody and has been practicing family law for over twenty years, and also comes with a wealth of experience in mediation and collaborative law. She is also the author of The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Divorce in Colorado.

What Teddi Ann Barry can say in an interview on
Co-Parenting Holiday Planning:

Sure your kids just got back to school, but do you know what’s happening for the holidays?  Taking time to figure it out now will help everyone enjoy the fall and holidays more. Now that you have your children’s school calendar for the year, sit down with your parenting plan or court orders and determine the following:

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Unpacking Overwhelm: 4 Tips That Can Help Kids Process the News

Available for Interviews:  Nadine Levitt

Nadine Levitt is an education advocate, speaker, and the CEO and founder of WURRLYedu, an educational technology platform, and Inspired Educ8ion, a company whose mission is to investigate how educational programs and initiatives can unleash the limitless potential of students, teachers, and school leaders. Nadine specializes in the social-emotional curriculum (SEL), and she is also the author of the children’s book My Mama Says Inside Me Lives a Village. 

What Nadine Levitt can say in an interview about
Helping Kids to Process the News / Manage Emotions:

    • We often see and hear about a lot of overwhelming news—whether it be the war in the Middle East, mass shootings, social justice issues, examples of cruelty or dehumanization, increased crime, etc.

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Sweet Yet Healthier Options for Halloween

Available for Interviews: Dr. Franchell Hamilton

Dr. Franchell Hamilton, MD, FACS, FASMBS, FOMA is the Founder of NeuroSwitch™ Weigh Loss–a place for people to receive treatments ranging from bariatric surgery and medical weight loss to hormone therapy. Dr. Hamiltion is also the author of two books, Transformation Is a Mindset: The Journey to Changing Your Input and Your World and And the Best Diet Is . . . .

What Dr. Hamilton could say on
Healthy Halloween Options:

Here we go, and here comes the start of the holidays! Halloween is upon us and it’s important to look at healthier options if you’re concerned about the extra consumption of sugar, fat, and calories. Here are some healthy Halloween tips:

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Obesity in Kids Is an Epidemic Problem. Here are 6 Healthy Eating Tips for Parents

Available for Interviews: Dr. Franchell Hamilton

Dr. Franchell Hamilton, MD, FACS, FASMBS, FOMA is the Founder of NeuroSwitch™ Weight Loss. Dr. Hamiltion is also the author of the latest book, Curiosity Is the Best Weight Loss Medicine: Observations From a Bariatric Surgeon. 

What Dr. Hamilton can say in an Interview on
Obesity & Kids:

    • During the pandemic, the national rate of obesity among kids ages 2 to 19 increased to 22.4% in 2020, up from 19.3% in 2019.
    • In the U.S., childhood obesity alone is estimated to cost $14 billion annually in direct health expenses.
    • This is caused by eating more processed foods and less physical activity, as well as socioeconomic differences.
    • Bariatric surgery is becoming more prevalent and a standard in the pediatric population.
    • Better nutrition and increased physical activity with parental support remain a must.

Back-to-School Anxiety in Kids & Teens

Available for Interviews: Dr. Pete Loper

Dr. Pete Loper, MD, MSEd, FAAP, is a triple board-certified physician in pediatrics, psychiatry, and child psychiatry. He is also a professor and executive coach and is dedicated to mental health and wellness advocacy.

What Dr. Loper could say on
Back-to-School Anxiety:

    • Not all anxiety is bad. It can be very helpful in supporting healthy adaptations for kids. In times of change, it is normal and expected, but alternatively, there are behaviors that can be more concerning.
    • Watch for signs your child may be experiencing anxiety: not getting up for school, not engaging in typical routines, somatic complaints: headache, belly ache as cause for not going to school.

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8 Mental Health Activities to Best Support Kids and Teens

Available for Interviews: Dr. Pete Loper

Dr. Pete Loper, MD, MSEd, FAAP, is a triple board-certified physician in pediatrics, psychiatry, and child psychiatry. He is also a professor and executive coach and is dedicated to mental health and wellness advocacy.

What Dr. Loper could say on
Mental Health Support of Our Children:

    • It is important to teach our children about mental health early in life because mental health is health. Human behavior is a manifestation of feelings and thoughts that then elicit specific actions and activities. The epidemic of chronic physical diseases that ail us as a society can be prevented, cured, or managed by lifestyle modification, or by simply changing our behaviors. Therefore, good mental health is a necessity for the consistent and sustained behaviors required for lifelong physical health and overall well-being.
    • It’s often challenging to identify a child’s specific mental health needs. Unlike physical health needs, mental health needs are difficult to target because they are often invisible, and hidden inside the individual until disclosed through direct communication or maladaptive behaviors.

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Watchful Waiting Doesn’t Work: Recent Obesity Treatment Guidelines for Children & Teens

Available for Interviews: Dr. Franchell Hamilton

Dr. Franchell Hamilton, MD, FACS, FASMBS, FOMA, is the Founder of NeuroSwitch™ Weigh Loss–a place for people to receive treatments ranging from bariatric surgery and medical weight loss to hormone therapy. Dr. Hamiltion is also the author of two books; Transformation Is a Mindset: The Journey to Changing Your Input and Your World and And the Best Diet Is . . . .

What Dr. Hamilton could say on
How Emotions Play a Role in :

    • New! Updated obesity treatment guidelines for children and teens include behavioral therapy, lifestyle changes (for the whole family), medications, and surgery (for some) young people.
        • The American Academy of Pediatrics says more than 14.4 million children and teens live with obesity. Children who are overweight or obese are at higher risk for asthma, sleep apnea, bone & joint problems, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

      Continue reading “Watchful Waiting Doesn’t Work: Recent Obesity Treatment Guidelines for Children & Teens”

If Divorce Was a Baseball Game, Here’s 3 Steps to Play Fair

Available for Interviews: Teddi Ann Barry

Teddy Ann Barry, Esq. is a family attorney and writer who has been serving families through divorce and custody and has been practicing family law for over twenty years, and also comes with a wealth of experience in mediation and collaborative law. She is also the author of The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Divorce in Colorado.

What Teddi Ann Barry can say in an interview on
3 Steps to Managing a Divorce:

Divorce would be easier if we played it like baseball.

There is the warm-up, the relationship between the pitcher and catcher along with the hitter and the first base coach, and finally the running of the bases.

Baseball’s a great game! 9 players on the team; 4 bases; one ball, and easy scoring. The players know how to hit the ball, run and catch it. I’m aware of the strategy behind the game, the one we never notice while watching the game, sipping our cold beer, stretched out in the warm sun.

I couldn’t help but think that divorce would be easier if we played it like baseball.

In baseball, players warm up before the big game. That’s what couples need to do; envision themselves playing catch to warm up for a divorce. If couples could all warm up together, it’d be a different game.

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Grades and Self-Esteem in School-Aged Children

Available for Interviews: Dr. Pete Loper

Dr. Pete Loper, MD, MSEd, FAAP, is a triple board-certified physician in pediatrics, psychiatry, and child psychiatry. He is also a professor and executive coach and is dedicated to mental health and wellness advocacy.

What Dr. Loper could say on
Grades and Self-Esteem:

Consistent with Carol Dweck’s research on “growth mindset,” struggle is a normal part of development. According to John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory, struggle in the context of the approach and exploration of new experiences is the rate-limiting step to healthy human development. Further, both Bowlby and his successor in Attachment research, Mary Ainsworth, identified the relationship between a child and their “experienced others” (parents, teachers) as the fundamental ingredient required to support continued approach and exploration in the context of struggle. Put simply, outcomes such as grades are a manifestation of the process, and your child’s willingness and motivation to engage in the process, i.e. to try, try again (growth mindset) is informed by a child’s interactions with parents and teachers. 

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How We Can Support and Thank Teachers Every Year?

Available for Interviews:  Nadine Levitt

Founder & CEO Nadine Levitt is an education advocate, speaker, and the CEO & Founder of WURRLYedu, an educational technology platform. Nadine specializes in the social-emotional curriculum (SEL) and is also the author of the children’s book series, My Mama Says. Levitt founded Inspired Educa8ion, a non-profit to support and celebrate teachers everywhere.

What Nadine Levitt can say in an interview about
Teacher Appreciation Week and Beyond:

Inspired Education’s Heartwarming “Surprise” School Visit
Leaves Teacher Feeling Appreciated
Teachers play a crucial role in shaping future generations. They are the most important indicator of student outcomes and clearly influence their social-emotional development. A teacher’s role and impact on a child’s life can reach far beyond a school timeline, with influences felt for a lifetime.

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