The Science Behind Emotional Eating and What We Can Do

Available for Interviews: Dr. Franchell Hamilton

Dr. Franchell Hamilton, MD, FACS, FASMBS, FOMA, is the Founder of NeuroSwitch™ Weigh Loss–a place for people to receive treatments ranging from bariatric surgery and medical weight loss to hormone therapy. Dr. Hamiltion recently released, Curiosity is the Best Weight Loss Medicine: Observations from a Bariatric Surgeon. 

What Dr. Hamilton could say on
How Emotions Play a Role in :

    • Could have been triggered in infancy—when you cried did your caregiver just stick a bottle in your mouth or give you snacks when you were upset? If this was done in infancy or childhood, this could lead to external regulation as an adult.

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March Is Obesity Awareness Month. Let’s Talk About Real Solutions to This Disease

Available for Interviews: Dr. Franchell Hamilton

Dr. Franchell Hamilton, MD, FACS, FASMBS, FOMA, is the Founder of NeuroSwitch™ Weigh Loss–a place for people to receive treatments ranging from bariatric surgery and medical weight loss to hormone therapy. Dr. Hamiltion recently released, Curiosity is the Best Weight Loss Medicine: Observations from a Bariatric Surgeon. 

What Dr. Hamilton could say on
Obesity Awareness Month:

    • March 4th is World Obesity Day.
    • Americans are paying more attention to obesity (since Covid).
      A few interesting things are happening / to talk about this month.
    • Obesity is actually a disease and not a lifestyle.

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What’s the Quit Trying Dilemma? The Brain Science of Weight Loss

Available for Interviews: Dr. Franchell Hamilton

Dr. Franchell Hamilton, MD, FACS, FASMBS, FOMA is the Founder of NeuroSwitch™ Weight Loss. Dr. Hamiltion is also the author of two books, Transformation Is a Mindset: The Journey to Changing Your Input and Your World and And the Best Diet Is . . . .

What Dr. Hamilton can say in an Interview on
The Quit Trying Dilemma:

What is causing the “quit trying dilemma/epidemic” in our diet culture?
Dr. Hamilton can explain.

    • There is an area in our brain that kills our motivation called the habenula.
    • The habenula has been activated by previous failures and the kill switch motivation and triggers an anti-rewarding pathway.*
    • This has caused many people to stop trying diets or working out or give up on new year’s resolutions.

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Multitasking Is a Myth (Try This Instead)

Available for Interviews:  Dr. Karen Doll

Karen Doll, PsyD is a licensed psychologist, professional coach, and the author of the forthcoming book, Building Psychological Fitness: How High Performers Achieve With Ease.

What Dr. Doll can say in an interview on Multitasking:

Can we Really multitask?

      • The whole concept of multitasking is a fallacy.
        Our brains are not like computer operating systems
      • We are human beings. The brain can’t perform multiple tasks that require high-level functioning or processing at one time. 

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5 Ways to Best Reconcile After an Argument

Available for Interviews: Carol Barkes

Carol Barkes is a conflict resolution expert, mediator, national speaker, educator and bestselling author who uniquely applies neuroscience to the fields of conflict resolution and negotiations. Her expert perspective is always fresh and relevant.

What Carol Barkes can say in an interview about Reconciliation:

The past year was fraught with anger, hostility, and dissension. How can we come together after a fight? Reconciling after an argument is largely a byproduct of a combination of techniques and skill development.  After mediating 1000’s of cases with disputing parties, Carol Barkes is certain about the following:

1)  There is no such thing as constructive criticism.  It is just criticism. Instead, try using a complaint that is focused on the problem rather than criticism of what the other person did.  This makes it less personal and puts the two parties on the same side of the table with the conflict on the other side.

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3 Ways on How to Avoid Awkward Conversations in Business and in Life

Available for Interviews: Carol Barkes


Carol Barkes, CPM, MBA, is a conflict resolution expert, mediator, national speaker, educator and bestselling author who uniquely applies neuroscience to the fields of conflict resolution and negotiations. Her expert perspective is always fresh and relevant.


Talking Points from Carol Barkes on what she can say in an interview
on 3 Ways on How to Avoid Awkward Conversations:

1) Listen more

People spend too much time thinking about themselves versus being present in the conversation. Conversations flow much better when one tries to cease thinking of what to say or how they will be perceived, and instead, focus on really hearing the other person. We tend to listen with a response in mind. We will be less anxious if we wait to truly hear the other person and formulate the next right thing to say based on what THEY said. Make it about them.

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Two Fears That Will Hold You Back in 2021

Available for Interviews: Dr. Travis Parry

Travis Parry, PhD, is a speaker, coach, and educator and has a passion for helping others in achieve a healthy work/life balance. Parry is also the author of the #1 bestseller, Achieving Balance: Make Time to Reach Your Business and Personal Goals in an Overworked World. 

What Dr. Parry Can Say in an Interview on
Fears That Can Affect One’s Life in a Negative Way

    • What holds people back the most in setting and achieving goals are the fears that they face. Subconsciously they are keeping you from moving forward while consciously they are actually motivating you, and thereby creating a tug of war in your mind that causes a lot of stress.

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Leading Organizations Through a Pandemic

Available for Interviews: Roger Hall.

Dr. Roger Hall has a doctorate in Counseling Psychology, is an Executive Coach to entrepreneurs and leaders, and is an in-demand public speaker throughout North America.


Talking Points from Roger Hall 
on Leading Organizations Through a Pandemic:

  •      When people are uncertain what to do, they tend to look at the behavior of those around them for the correct response. When everyone else is freaking out, then they assume that freaking out is the correct response. “Everyone else is buying pallets of toilet paper. I guess I’ll buy a couple pallets too.” I’m not a big fan of Napoleon Bonaparte, but I do like his quote: “A leader is a dealer in hope.” There is no doubt that the Coronavirus pandemic is serious, but the fear of the pandemic is creating its own set of problems. In times of uncertainty, leaders can help their people have hope for a better future. Most anyone can handle a brief adversity, if they believe that there is a better future ahead.

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How Conflict Resolution Can Work to Heal the Nation

Available for Interviews: Carol Barkes


Carol Barkes, CPM, MBA, is a conflict resolution expert, mediator, national speaker, educator and bestselling author who uniquely applies neuroscience to the fields of conflict resolution and negotiations. Her expert perspective is always fresh and relevant.

What Carol Barkes can say in an interview about
Healing the Nation Based on Conflict Resolution Concepts

We have long had the thought that our capital and institution was safe from Americans but perhaps not from foreign entities. Today, we have found this not to be true and it makes us a perfect target for foreign enemies to sit back and watch us self-distrust from the inside out. This would make our forefathers roll over in their graves. We believe in the premise of United We Stand and yet we are now far from united. How can we make a better world as we fight against our brothers and sisters?

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Micromanagers: The Relationship Between Fear and Control

Available for Interviews: Roger Hall

Dr. Roger Hall has a doctorate in Counseling Psychology, is an Executive Coach to entrepreneurs and leaders, and is an in-demand public speaker throughout North America.


What Dr. Roger Hall can say in an interview about: 
The Relationship Between Fear & Control:

Exploring Fear & ContRol

  • Why people are micromanagers.
  • If you’ve ever had a micromanaging boss, that boss is likely to have been very afraid.
  • Fear and control are inextricably linked.

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