Meeting the Parents Over the Holidays When Tension Is Expected

Interview Carol Barkes

Carol Barkes is a trend-setting mediator, business executive and educator specializing in the use of neuroscience to improve business performance, interpersonal communications, negotiation and conflict resolution processes for optimally successful results.

Talking Points From Carol Barkes On
Meeting the Parents Over the Holidays:

Our negative judgements in relationships can be explored through our knowledge of nueroscience. Though it is very difficult to change one’s opinions once they have been formed over time through their values, there are some strategies that one can employ to minimize conflict.

    1. Well over 90% of our thinking is unconsciously driven by our brain which is in the business of rapidly processing huge amounts of information and deciding if we should move towards a reward or away from a threat. Continue reading “Meeting the Parents Over the Holidays When Tension Is Expected”

4 Communication Tips to Keep the Peace With Your Ex

Interview Carol Barkes

Carol Barkes is a trend-setting mediator, business executive and educator specializing in the use of neuroscience to improve business performance, interpersonal communications, negotiation and conflict resolution processes for optimally successful results.


Talking Points From Carol Barkes
On Keeping the Peace With Your Ex:


  1. Do not expect your ex to parent the same way you do. The number one thing we know that hurts children is conflict between their parents. Know that kids play one parent against the other and don’t tell either parent the full truth. It is part of their survival mechanism. Try to keep them out of the middle and don’t look to them for a source of negative information about your ex.

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When to Talk About Money With Your Kids

Interview Kathleen E. Owings.

Financial Advisor, Kathleen Owings (BIO below) can discuss when to talk to your children about finances. Should we even talk about private money matters with our kids? If so, is there a good time to start?

Some key points that Kathleen Owings can expand on in an interview:

  • Parents should absolutely talk about money with their kids.
  • Age 5 is a good age to talk about saving.
  • Telling your kids the exact salary you make is a personal decision and a private one.
  • The biggest reason why parents don’t talk about money with their kids, is because they aren’t confident about finances and their own situation.
  • This is a good opportunity to get your own financial situation in order.
  • Get them to start: Give, Save, and Spend Jars.
  • It’s a different generation of kids now. Kids are inundated with information and opportunities to buy (because of technology—access to Amazon, in-app purchases, video gaming, etc.)
  • We need to teach delayed gratificationKathleen E. Owings
    Financial Advisor
    Westbilt Financial Group

Available for Interviews: Kathleen E. Owings.

Kathleen E. Owings was named one of the 4 Under 40 in 2018, a prestigious award given by the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors to only four young advisors in the country. Kathleen manages assets for individuals, families, and businesses to the highest standards of fiduciary duty.

Jo Allison
PR Managing Editor
Success In Media, Inc.

Be a LEADER and Not a BOSS: 7 Motivating Concepts

Interview Carol Barkes

Carol Barkes is a trend-setting mediator, business executive and educator specializing in the use of neuroscience to improve business performance, interpersonal communications, negotiation and conflict resolution processes for optimally successful results.


Talking Points From Carol Barkes
On Leadership:

1)  Leaders let their team help guide the ship.Bosses micromanage their team about how to sail.
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Read This Before You Sign That Contract

Interview Carol Barkes

Carol Barkes is a trend-setting mediator, business executive and educator specializing in the use of neuroscience to improve business performance, interpersonal communications, negotiation and conflict resolution processes for optimally successful results.

Talking Points From Carol Barkes On How to
Negotiate a Business Contract:

  1. Contracts are often standard, have been drafted with legal jargon by corporate attorneys, and are meant to work for the majority of circumstances. That being said, a contract does not always fit perfectly for every situation. If they don’t, they can often be modified when it makes sense.  The secret is to ask. If you don’t ask, the answer is always, “no.” Read contracts carefully to make sure the contents fit the circumstances. If not, start a conversation about the areas of concern. They can often be mitigated and are best addressed before anything goes wrong.

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4 Steps in Negotiating Unpaid Time Off From Work

Interview: Carol Barkes

This comes from a communications expert, Carol Barkes. Here are some talking points for an interview about negotiation unpaid time off from work:


  1. Create a win-win. How does unpaid time off work benefit both you and the employer?

  2. Give information about your “why.”  The more reasonable you make the request and the more information you give that help create the story about why you need the time and why it would be worth it for them to grant it, can be the game changer you need.

    Continue reading “4 Steps in Negotiating Unpaid Time Off From Work”

4 Constructive Steps When Confronting a Friend

Interview: Dr. Colleen Cira, Psy.D.

Dr. Cira has worked with hundreds of people struggling with suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, she also had a family member commit suicide, so she understands the tragedy of this both personally and professionally.

From Dr. Colleen Cira
How to Confront a Friend:

Sometimes with our friendships, we tend to sweep things under the rug, or we complain about them to other people, but never address it with the person. Many of us struggle with conflict in our friendships because we’re just not used to it! We see our partners ALL THE TIME, we may even live

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How to STOP Mansplaining

Interview:Carol Barkes on Mansplaining.
Carol Barkes is a conflict resolution expert, mediator, national speaker, educator and bestselling author who uniquely applies neuroscience to the fields of conflict resolution and negotiations. Her expert perspective is always fresh and relevant.
Some Talking Points from Carol Barkes on 
How to Stop Mansplaining:
Mansplaining, while typically refers to when a man is talking down to a woman about topics she may actually know more about, can also be used to talk about this occurrence with any person or group who has perceived authority or power over another. Understand that much of this occurs from our brains unconscious process of labeling and filing information that is similar to other instances when this event has been previously experienced.

Do Passive-Aggressive Signs in Business Work?

Interview: Carol Barkes

This comes from a communications expert, Carol Barkes. Here are some talking points for an interview about passive-aggressive signs:

Our brains pay more attention to negative things than positive. It goes back to ancient times when negative things could mean death. Consequently, our brains notice and log negative messaging more than positive messaging. Unfortunately, our brains also direct us to move towards reward and away from threats.

Continue reading “Do Passive-Aggressive Signs in Business Work?”

The Best Way to Break Up With Someone

Interview: Carol Barkes

This comes from a communications expert, Carol Barkes. Here are some talking points for an interview on how to break up with someone in the best possible way:

1)  Acknowledge the positive. When relationships end, it doesn’t necessarily mean our love and feelings for the person ends, too.  We can love someone and still know the relationship is not right for each other.  With that being said, acknowledging this is and recognizing the lovely moments that brought the two of you together is a far better spin for our brains than to completely focus on the negatives.

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