10 Ways to Boost Mindfulness During Times of Stress

Available for Interviews: Dr. Mimi Secor

Dr. Mimi Secor DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, is Nurse Practitioner from the Boston area. She has been specializing in Women’s Health for over 40 years, is a national speaker and consultant, and is an international bestselling author of Debut a New You: Transforming Your Life At Any Age.

What Dr. Mimi Secor can say in an interview on mindfulness:

Mindfulness is a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment. Being present and in the moment means we put aside any negative thoughts about the past or worries about the future—and just be. Thousands of studies have linked physical and mental benefits to mindfulness.

Continue reading “10 Ways to Boost Mindfulness During Times of Stress”

8 Factors That Contribute to Weight Gain

Available for Interviews: Dr. Mimi Secor 

Dr. Mimi Secor is a fitness and health advocate passionate about helping women lose weight and feel great, and is the author of Healthy & Fit at Any Age: A Guide to Creating nutrition, exercise, and mindset habits for busy women!

What Dr. Mimi can say in an interview on
Weight Gain and the Age Factor

Here are some of the few things we need to know about weight gain and why age matters:

  1. Metabolism. As we age, our metabolism slows down (unless we exercise and lift weights). This is because we begin to lose muscle mass after age 40. If we continue to eat the same amount, we will gradually gain weight. This also explains why, as we age, it is more challenging to lose weight. We lose weight more slowly, and sometimes we are unable to lose weight.
    Continue reading “8 Factors That Contribute to Weight Gain”

Top 10 Easy Habits to Incorporate More Exercise in Your Life

Available for Interviews: Dr. Mimi Secor

Dr. Mimi is a fitness and health advocate who is passionate about helping women to lose weight and feel great, and is the author of Healthy & Fit at Any Age: A Guide to Creating nutrition, exercise, and mindset habits for busy women!

What Dr. Mimi Secor Can Say in an Interview 
About How to Incorporate More Exercise Into Daily Life:

Make exercise a daily routine. Remember: the habit of exercising is more important than the intensity of the activity. Healthy choices add up to a lifetime of good health and wellness! Here are 10 simple traditional routines that you adjust to add more exercise into your everyday personal and work schedule:

    1. Don’t just save the stepper for the gym! Take the stairs at work (and anytime you have the option to take the stairs versus an elevator).

2. Walk as much as possible to do your errands. Park farther away from stores and walk. Bonus: You’ll get to be outside in the fresh air more.

Continue reading “Top 10 Easy Habits to Incorporate More Exercise in Your Life”

How Lifestyle Can Help Manage Depression

Available for Interviews: Dr. Mimi Secor.

Dr. Mimi is a fitness and health advocate who is passionate about helping women to lose weight and feel great, and is the author of Healthy & Fit at Any Age: A Guide to Creating nutrition, exercise, and mindset habits for busy women!

Talking Points from Dr. Mimi Secor 
on the Lifestyle Effects on Depression:

8 Great Ways to Boost Mindfulness During the Holidays

Interview: Dr. Mimi Secor.

Dr. Mimi is a fitness and health advocate who is passionate about helping women to lose weight and feel great, and is the author of Healthy & Fit at Any Age: A Guide to Creating nutrition, exercise, and mindset habits for busy women!

What Dr. Secor Can Say in an Interview on
Mindfulness and the Holidays:

The holidays are a wonderful time of the year, but also the busiest and sometimes the most stressful time, too. Interview Dr. Mimi Secor to discuss ways we can all practice mindfulness to reduce stress and be happy and share and affect others in more positive ways.

  1. Be Creative. Getting lost in any arts and crafts taps into our human creativity reduces stress, and recharges us so we can be more empathetic with ourselves and others.
    Continue reading “8 Great Ways to Boost Mindfulness During the Holidays”

6 Myths About Exercise & Weight Loss

Available for Interviews: Dr. Mimi Secor

Dr. Mimi Secor DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner specializing in Women’s Health for over 40 years. She is a sought-after national speaker and consultant has been featured in numerous local and national media outlets. Dr. Mimi is also a fitness and health advocate, and is passionate about helping women to lose weight and feel great, and is the author of the newest book,  Healthy & Fit at Any Age: A Guide to Creating Mindset, Nutrition, and Exercise Habits for Busy Women.


What Dr. Mimi Secor can say in an interview on
some common exercise and weight loss myths:

There are a lot of common myths out there that we all tend to hold as true. This interview will explore these and go deep into offering real, tangible ways to exercise and eat right to achieve your weight loss goals.

    1. MYTH: You can easily lose weight exercising.” Most people think they can exercise to lose weight. Unfortunately, it is difficult to burn off that many calories, so diet is also usually a necessary component.
    2. MYTH: “You CAN out-exercise an unhealthy diet.” Many people think they can do hours of cardio exercise and effectively lose weight. Contrary to popular myth, you can NOT out-exercise an unhealthy diet. Continue reading “6 Myths About Exercise & Weight Loss”

Top 10 Ways to Boost Mindfulness for Greater Wellness

Interview: Dr. Mimi Secor

Dr. Mimi Secor DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, is Nurse Practitioner from the Boston area. She has been specializing in Women’s Health for over 40 years, is a national speaker and consultant, and is an international bestselling author of Debut a New You: Transforming Your Life At Any Age.


We need more mindfulness in our lives more than ever. . .

Mindfulness is a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment. Being present and in the moment means we put aside any negative thoughts about the past or worries about the future—and just be. Thousands of studies have linked physical and mental benefits to mindfulness.

Here are 10 great ways to practice mindfulness in our everyday lives:

Continue reading “Top 10 Ways to Boost Mindfulness for Greater Wellness”

Weight Loss Woes: Getting Back on Track

Interview Dr. Mimi Secor

Dr. Mimi Secor is Nurse Practitioner from the Boston area. She has been specializing in Women’s Health for over 40 years, is a national speaker and consultant, and is an international bestselling author of Debut a New You: Transforming Your Life At Any Age.

Talking Points From Dr. Secor
On Losing Weight:

    • Hitting a plateau is often very discouraging for folks working to lose weight. But there are reasons and solutions that must be explored and analyzed.
    • Some of these solutions are not intuitive such as increasing calorie intake in order to lose weight. Weight loss may be ineffective if folks aren’t recording their food accurately so the calories and macros (types of calories—Protein, Fat, and Carbs) can be analyzed and adjusted. Continue reading “Weight Loss Woes: Getting Back on Track”

Overcoming Exercise Myths to Lose Weight & Transform Your Life

Available for Interviews: Dr. Mimi Secor

Dr. Mimi Secor DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner specializing in Women’s Health for over 40 years. She is a sought-after national speaker and consultant, has been featured in numerous local and national media outlets, and is the #1 international bestselling author of Debut a New You: Transforming Your Life At Any Age.


What Dr. Mimi Secor can say in an interview on
some common exercise and weight loss myths:

There are a lot of common myths out there that we all tend to hold as true. This interview will explore these and go deep into offering real, tangible ways to exercise and eat right to achieve your weight loss goals.

  1. MYTH: You can easily lose weight exercising.” Most people think they can exercise to lose weight. Unfortunately, it is difficult to burn off that many calories, so diet is also usually a necessary component.
  2. MYTH: “You CAN out-exercise an unhealthy diet.” Many people think they can do hours of cardio exercise and effectively lose weight. Contrary to popular myth, you can NOT out-exercise an unhealthy diet. Continue reading “Overcoming Exercise Myths to Lose Weight & Transform Your Life”

Preventative Health Measures During the Pandemic

Interview: Dr. Mimi Secor.

Dr. Mimi Secor is Nurse Practitioner from the Boston area. She has been specializing in Women’s Health for over 40 years now, is a national speaker and consultant, and is an international bestselling author of Debut a New You: Transforming Your Life At Any Age.

CDC Guidelines for the Prevention of Contraction & Spread of respiratory illnesses

As we brace ourselves for the second wave of the Coronavirus and hope positive cases are minimal around the country, it’s important to be reminded of the ways in which we can protect ourselves and stay healthy.

According to the CDC, these are the most effective preventative measures you can take to reduce your risk of illness and prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses. Continue reading “Preventative Health Measures During the Pandemic”