4 Healthy Habits for Staying Healthy in Your Golden Years

Available for Interviews: Dr. Mimi Secor

Dr. Mimi is a fitness and health advocate who is passionate about helping women to lose weight and feel great, and is the author of Healthy & Fit at Any Age: A Guide to Creating nutrition, exercise, and mindset habits for busy women!

What Dr. Secor Can Say in an Interview on
Staying Motivated With Our Fitness Goals:

Many assume that older people can’t get healthy and fit and stay healthy and fit. This is a myth. I started my current health/fitness journey when I was 59 and now, I am 68 years young. I lost 30 pounds and 12 inches from my waist (during my doctoral program) and have maintained this nine years later. I started weightlifting, doing consistent cardio exercise, stretching, eating healthy, getting adequate sleep, and reducing my stress. And guess what? I now feel better than ever. I feel better than when I was in my 30s and 40s. 

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How to Make Exercise Less Miserable and More Enjoyable

Available for Interviews: Dr. Mimi Secor

Dr. Mimi Secor DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner specializing in Women’s Health for over 40 years. She is a sought-after national speaker and consultant has been featured in numerous local and national media outlets. Dr. Mimi is also a fitness and health advocate, and is passionate about helping women to lose weight and feel great, and is the author of the newest book,  Healthy & Fit at Any Age: A Guide to Creating Mindset, Nutrition, and Exercise Habits for Busy Women.

What Dr. Mimi Secor could say in an interview on
Tips to Enjoy Exercise More: 

    • Select activities you enjoy. You are much more likely to maintain an exercise program if you enjoy the activity. Do you like walking, swimming, riding a bike, working out at a gym, or working out at home? To start, maybe try walking around the block. Notice everything as a sensory experience; nature, bird sounds, flowers, anything, everything. This will take your mind off the exercise/activity. This approach works like magic for me. You can also dance to music in your home. Rethinking your approach to exercise will definitely help get you started.

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Tried Everything? Losing Weight Once and For All

Available for Interviews: Dr. Mimi Secor

Dr. Mimi Secor DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner specializing in Women’s Health for over 40 years. She is a sought-after national speaker and consultant who has been featured in numerous local and national media outlets. Dr. Mimi is also a fitness and health advocate, is passionate about helping women to lose weight and feel great, and is the author of the newest book,  Healthy & Fit at Any Age: A Guide to Creating Mindset, Nutrition, and Exercise Habits for Busy Women.

What Dr. Mimi Secor could say in an interview on
Losing Weight Once and For All: 

Have you, like so many others, tried every diet trend out there? Do you feel like you have tried everything and still can’t lose weight? Are you getting to an age where you’re beginning to wonder if you shouldn’t just give up?

Stop right there.

It is never, NEVER too late to make small changes that lead to a healthier version of you.

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Weight Loss Tips as We Age

Available for Interviews: Dr. Mimi Secor.

Dr. Mimi Secor is a Nurse Practitioner from the Boston area. She has been specializing in Women’s Health for over 40 years now, is a national speaker and consultant. She is also the bestselling author of Healthy & Fit at Any Age: A Guide to Creating Mindset, Nutrition, and Exercise Habits for Busy Women!

What Dr. Secor Can Say in an Interview on
Weight Loss Tips for Senior Citizens:
Reaching or keeping an ideal weight well into our golden years is possible when we combine proper nutrition and specialized exercise.

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6 Myths About Exercise & Weight Loss

Available for Interviews: Dr. Mimi Secor

Dr. Mimi Secor DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner specializing in Women’s Health for over 40 years. She is a sought-after national speaker and consultant has been featured in numerous local and national media outlets. Dr. Mimi is also a fitness and health advocate, and is passionate about helping women to lose weight and feel great, and is the author of the newest book,  Healthy & Fit at Any Age: A Guide to Creating Mindset, Nutrition, and Exercise Habits for Busy Women.


What Dr. Mimi Secor can say in an interview on
some common exercise and weight loss myths:

There are a lot of common myths out there that we all tend to hold as true. This interview will explore these and go deep into offering real, tangible ways to exercise and eat right to achieve your weight loss goals.

    1. MYTH: You can easily lose weight exercising.” Most people think they can exercise to lose weight. Unfortunately, it is difficult to burn off that many calories, so diet is also usually a necessary component.
    2. MYTH: “You CAN out-exercise an unhealthy diet.” Many people think they can do hours of cardio exercise and effectively lose weight. Contrary to popular myth, you can NOT out-exercise an unhealthy diet. Continue reading “6 Myths About Exercise & Weight Loss”

4 Reasons Why We Gain Weight and How We Live Better, Healthier Lives

Available for Interviews:  Tibor Deme

Tibor Deme is a Sports & Nutrition Specialist, Elite Personal Trainer, and Habit Transformation Expert. He is also the Founder of LifeBoostFit and accompanying application.

What Tibor Deme can say in an interview about
How We Can Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle:

Gaining weight creates pathways for illness and disease in the body. Understanding the reasons why this happens is the secret to achieving our health and wellness goals:  

1. The Western Lifestyle

Unfortunately, our diet is high in processed foods, which in turn are high in sodium and sugar, and other chemicals. The very foundation of our diet causes us to crave or even be addicted to these ingredients, which, over time, create pathways to illness and disease in the body. Sodium and sugar activate “reward” or “pleasure” eating which initiates an undesired and unhealthy habitual eating pattern. Consuming large amounts of sugar and sodium can lead to weight gain.  

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The 365% Rule and Why It Will Help With Your Best Healthy Life

Available for Interviews: Raphael Velazquez

Raphael Velazquez, NSCA CSCS, is the founder of VELA, and is a certified strength and conditioning specialist, celebrity trainer, and body transformation expert. He is also the author of Core Fitness: Your Best Shape, Looking and Feeling Great.

What Raphael Velazquez can say in an interview on
the 365% Rule & Life: 

    • Dream big and step small. The 365% rule starts off with having a plan, a destination, and goals. You need to know where you’re going before you step off towards a journey. The same goes for fitness, no matter whether you’re looking to improve your fitness, feel better, get stronger, improve your strength, lose body fat, know where you are by doing an assessment and having goals.

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Small Changes Can Get You in Great Shape This Summer

Available for Interviews: Raphael Velazquez

Raphael Velazquez, NSCA CSCS, is the founder of VELA, and is a certified strength and conditioning specialist, celebrity trainer, and body transformation expert. He is also the author of Core Fitness: Your Best Shape, Looking and Feeling Great.

What Raphael Velazquez can say in an interview on
Achieving Our Fitness Goals:

    • Move daily. Do a physical activity that makes you feel good by the time you finish your workout. The goal for a lot of people looking to get into shape is that you’re dealing with pain in your joints, lower back, upper back, neck, etc. Focus on what’s right in front of you and start moving daily towards feeling better.

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Women Can Look Great and Be Empowered With Strength Training

Available for Interviews: Raphael Velazquez

Raphael Velazquez, NSCA CSCS, is the founder of VELA, and is a certified strength and conditioning specialist, celebrity trainer, and body transformation expert. He is also the author of Core Fitness: Your Best Shape, Looking and Feeling Great.

What Raphael Velazquez can say in an interview on
Women and Strength Training:

    • Benefits of strength training. Strength training will increase your bone density, increase your lean muscle mass and define your body compositions. 

Continue reading “Women Can Look Great and Be Empowered With Strength Training”