Catch Some Rays: 7 Amazing Health Benefits of the Sun

Available for Interviews: Dr. Michael Evangel

Dr. Michael S. Evangel, Chiropractic Physician, is the owner of the Chiropractic Wellness Center in Paramus, NJ. For over 30 years, his mission is to provide state-of-the-art, high-quality care to people of all ages. 

What Dr. Micheal Evangel Can Say in an Interview
the Benefits of Sun Exposure:

Normally around this time of year, as it starts to get warmer, we get bombarded with messages about the harmful effects of the sun—sunburns, skin cancer, premature aging, etc. However, it should not be forgotten that there are many additional benefits of sunshine besides producing vitamin D. Here are 7 amazing health benefits of sun exposure.

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How Germaphobia Will Weaken Us in the Long Run

Available for Interviews: Dr. Michael Evangel

Dr. Michael S. Evangel, Chiropractic Physician, is the owner of the Chiropractic Wellness Center in Paramus, NJ. For over 30 years, his mission is to provide state of the art, high-quality care to people of all ages. 


Talking Points from Michael Evangel on
Germs, the Mircobiome, and Our Immune System :

Almost overnight, COVID-19 turned the United States into a nation of germaphobes. After all, you won’t lose a fight that you are not in!

Did you ever notice that the parents who are the most cautious about their children being exposed to pathogens often have some of the sickest children? These parents get very frustrated because they wash and sanitize everything that their children come in contact with, and they’re are still getting sick!

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Pandemic Stress: Top 10 Ways to Avoid Adrenal Burnout

Available for Interviews: Dr. Michael Evangel

Dr. Michael S. Evangel, Chiropractic Physician, is the owner of the Chiropractic Wellness Center in Paramus, NJ. For over 30 years, his mission is to provide state of the art, high-quality care to people of all ages. 


Talking Points from Michael Evangel 
on How to Avoid Adrenal Burnout Associated With the Coronavirus:

The 24/7 media coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic is causing the general public to experience a very high level of ongoing stress and anxiety. Watching too much coverage creates information overload and not watching enough may produce a feeling that you are missing out on something that you should know. It is smart to find your own “Goldilocks Zone.”

How Medical Businesses Can Survive and Rise Above the Calamity

Available for Interviews: Dr. Michael Evangel

Dr. Michael S. Evangel, Chiropractic Physician, is the owner of the Chiropractic Wellness Center in Paramus, NJ. For over 30 years, his mission is to provide state of the art, high-quality care to people of all ages. 


Talking Points from Dr. Michael Evangel on
How Medical Business Can Survive and Rise Above the Calamity:

COVID-19 has severely impacted many businesses, as well as professions. The keys to survive in this environment are to evolve, adapt, and reinvent a business to the current needs of the public.  

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5 Great Ways Chiropractors Can Help Patients Via Telemedicine

Available for Interviews: Dr. Michael Evangel

Dr. Michael S. Evangel, Chiropractic Physician, is the owner of the Chiropractic Wellness Center in Paramus, NJ. For over 30 years, his mission is to provide state of the art, high-quality care to people of all ages. 


Talking Points from Michael Evangel on
How Chiropractors Can Help Patients Via Telemedicine:

With the stay at home and shelter in place orders are currently in effect, many chiropractic patients are only going out for food and supplies, and are not even going to their chiropractors unless they are in a lot of pain.
Even though chiropractic is known as a hands-on treatment, chiropractors can still assist their patients through telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Caution: Is a COVID-19 Vaccine the “Golden Goose”?

Available for Interviews: Dr. Michael Evangel

Dr. Michael S. Evangel, Chiropractic Physician, is the owner of the Chiropractic Wellness Center in Paramus, NJ. For over 30 years, his mission is to provide state of the art, high-quality care to people of all ages. 


Talking Points from Dr. Michael Evangel on
the COVID-19 Vaccine :

The race is on and there is a lot at stake. Human lives, bragging rights, and corporate profit!

There are at least 23 major companies working on a COVID-19 vaccine or treatment. They are trying to cram years of research, development, testing and clinical trials into months!

Continue reading “Caution: Is a COVID-19 Vaccine the “Golden Goose”?”

Key Data Collection Will Win the COVID-19 War

Available for Interviews: Dr. Michael Evangel

Dr. Michael S. Evangel, Chiropractic Physician, is the owner of the Chiropractic Wellness Center in Paramus, NJ. For over 30 years, his mission is to provide state of the art, high-quality care to people of all ages. 


Talking Points from Michael Evangel on
How Key Data Collection Will Win the COVID-19 Ware

Until we ask the correct questions and collect the proper data, the World War against this invisible enemy can not and will not be won!

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Ways to Combat COVID-19

Available for Interviews: Dr. Michael Evangel

Dr. Michael S. Evangel, Chiropractic Physician, is the owner of the Chiropractic Wellness Center in Paramus, NJ. For over 30 years, his mission is to provide state of the art, high-quality care to people of all ages. 


Talking Points from Michael Evangel 
on Ways to Combat COVID-19:

The COVID-19 Pandemic is an unprecedented event in human history. It reminds me of the classic sci-fi movie The Day the Earth Stood Still because that’s what feels like is happening. 
There is no playbook to refer to in this situation, since all of humanity has never been in a shutdown mode. Many people are referring to this as a war against an invisible enemy and that is exactly what it is. There are two strategies during war, offense and defense. 

Continue reading “Ways to Combat COVID-19”