5 Essential Strategies to Talk About Money With Kids

Available for Interviews: Chris Janeway

Chris Janeway is Founder & CEO Fourth Point Wealth and coaches investors throughout southern CA.  He is also a national speaker, financial coach and an advocate for financial literacy.

What Chris Janeway can say in an interview about
Kids & Money

Kids aren’t taught about money in school or often at home.  We don’t know how to appropriately teach good money habits.  Often, this is because we haven’t ever gotten educated ourselves.

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Leaving These 4 Items Out of Your Estate Plan Is a Recipe for Disaster

Available for Interviews: Lauren Moone

Lauren Moone is an Executive Vice President at Mirador Capital Partners and has been providing investment advice for individuals, families, and institutions for over 13 years.


What Lauren Moone can say in an interview
on Estate Plans

Many people believe that a will and spoken promises are sufficient preparations for their passing, but there are a few other items that you will wish you had if you knew about them:

      • 1) Power of Attorney: POA is a crucial part of any estate plan. With it, someone you trust will have complete control of your finances. Not comfortable with that? Consider a Limited Power of Attorney which you can restrict to, for example, your checking account.

Continue reading “Leaving These 4 Items Out of Your Estate Plan Is a Recipe for Disaster”

5 Principles (and the Real Secret) to Accumulating Wealth

Available for Interviews: Lauren Moone

Lauren Moone is an Executive Vice President at Mirador Capital Partners and has been providing investment advice for individuals, families, and institutions for over 13 years.

What Lauren Moone can say in an interview
on Wealth-building:

Wealthy individuals invariably have great stories to tell about how they grew their business or what they have been able to contribute to their community. However they generally leave out the more mundane means of their success: a sound financial plan. By paying attention to some key principles, investors can leverage their assets most effectively for a successful financial future. These are the five principles to wealth-building:

Continue reading “5 Principles (and the Real Secret) to Accumulating Wealth”

8 Facts On Wills to Get You Started. Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Wait

Available for Interviews: Jason Smith

There are many nuances to wills that people are not knowledgeable about. Unfortunately, not being in the know can affect the owner(s) of a will’s objectives and their intended beneficiaries.

Jason Smith, Estate planning attorney and Elder planning attorney is available to talk about this story.

Some key Points That Jason Smith
Can Expand On in an Interview on Wills:

It is surprising to know that many people don’t have a will or don’t think they need one. Everyone should have one. Your final wishes may not be carried out, nor will your hard-earned assets go to the ones you want them to without one. Here are the basics:

Continue reading “8 Facts On Wills to Get You Started. Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Wait”

Everyone Should Have a Living Will: 10 Key Points

Everyone should have a living will, regardless of what their directives are, if only to make sure that their wishes are clear and that they are honored at the end of life stage. Living wills are essential for carrying out one’s wishes. Unfortunately, not being in the know can affect the owner(s) of a will’s objectives and their intended beneficiaries.

Jason Smith, Estate planning attorney and Elder planning attorney is available to talk about this story.  (Bio)

Talking Points for an Interview
With Jason Smith on Living Wills:

  1. Do be clear about your wishes, including when the living will applies (usually only when the individual is incapacitated + (diagnosed with a terminal illness OR permanently unconscious), what treatments, if any, should be withheld or provided. Continue reading “Everyone Should Have a Living Will: 10 Key Points”

Alzheimers and Estate Planning: What Everyone Needs to Know

Alzheimers disease can affect any family. Unfortunately, not making some estate planning decisions while your family member is still coherent, can be real trouble.

Jason Smith, Estate planning attorney and Elder planning attorney is available to talk about this story.  (Bio)

What Jason Smith Can Say in an Interview:

I Do Not Need A Will Because My Spouse Will Get Everything

Available for Interviews: Jason Smith

Jason Smith, Esq. is an estate planning attorney and elder planning attorney and serves clients in Greenwich, CT and Manhattan, NY.

What Jason Smith Can Say in an Interview on Wills:

There are many nuances to wills that people are not knowledgeable about. Unfortunately, not being in the know can affect the owner(s) of a will’s objectives and their intended beneficiaries.

Continue reading “I Do Not Need A Will Because My Spouse Will Get Everything”

What Is an Estate Plan and Why Do You Need One?

Available for Interviews: Jason Smith

Jason Smith, Esq. is an estate planning attorney and elder planning attorney and serves clients in Greenwich, CT and Manhattan, NY.

What Jason Smith Can Say in an Interview on Estate Plans:

    • An estate plan is a plan for administering and disposing of your assets during your incapacity and after your death.
    • An estate plan includes the designation of fiduciaries, including your executor, trustees and/or guardian for your minor children. 

Continue reading “What Is an Estate Plan and Why Do You Need One?”

Experts Available Through the Thanksgiving Weekend

Experts Available in These Categories


Available for TOPICS on COVID Prevention, CDC Protocols, Obesity, Pain Management:
Dr. Tammy Penhollow, DO, specializing in anesthesiology and pain management, and has a passion for regenerative medicine and holistic healing.

Available for TOPICS on Work-Life Integration, Stress Management, Sleep/Rest, Self-Care:
Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, MD, board-certified internal medicine physician and work-life Integration Strategist, international speaker, and bestselling author of Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity.

Available for TOPICS on Public Health/Policy, Healthcare Reform, Skin Cancer:
Dr. Reagan Anderson, DO, specializing in general Dermatology and served in the United States Navy. Author of Universal Death Care: A Solution for Healthcare in the Age of Entitlement, he is passionate about changing healthcare in the U.S.

Available for TOPICS on Weight Loss, Nutrition, Exercise, Women’s Health, Self-Care:
Dr. Mimi Secor, DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, nurse practitioner and fitness & health advocate. Author of Debut a New You: Transforming Your Life at Any Age.

Continue reading “Experts Available Through the Thanksgiving Weekend”

The Shocking Truth About Wills

There are many nuances to wills that people are not knowledgeable about. Unfortunately, not being in the know can affect the owner(s) of a will’s objectives and their intended beneficiaries.

Jason Smith, Estate planning attorney and Elder planning attorney is available to talk about this story.  (Bio)

Some key Points That Jason Smith Can Expand On in an Interview:

  • You can legally disinherit almost anyone except your spouse.
  • Your heirs (spouse and children) have a lot of rights for objecting to a will. No matter how airtight, they can get what is called a heckler’s veto. They can drag out litigation and make it so expensive for the estate that they end up “extorting” money to make it end. Continue reading “The Shocking Truth About Wills”