Ambitious (and Prosperous) Goals: How Can One Retire at Age 50?

Available for Interviews: Harry Abrahamsen

Harry J. Abrahamsen is Founder & CEO Abrahamsen Financial Group. His company offers customized wealth management solutions—creating plans and portfolios that protect, preserve, and grow client’s wealth. He was selected as one of the ten most dependable Wealth Managers in the Mid-Atlantic as published in Forbes magazine.

What Harry Abramhamsen can say in an interview on
Retiring at Age 50:

Retiring at age 50 is not easy to do successfully.  

Retirement can mean a lot of different things to different people. IF you want to retire at 50, then you cannot do any of the traditional planning most Americans do.

Continue reading “Ambitious (and Prosperous) Goals: How Can One Retire at Age 50?”

Sexual Decline in Aging Women: Causes & Treatment

Available for Interviews: Dr. Mimi Secor 

Mimi Secor, DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner specializing in Women’s Health for over 40 years. She is a sought-after national speaker and consultant who has been featured in numerous local and national media outlets and is the author of the newest book, Healthy & Fit at Any Age: A Guide to Creating Mindset, Nutrition, and Exercise Habits for Busy Women!

What Dr. Mimi Secor Can Say in an Interview 
About Sexual Decline in Women:

Why does sex decline with age for women and is it more physical or psychological? What options do women have for improving their libido/desire?

Continue reading “Sexual Decline in Aging Women: Causes & Treatment”

What to Know Before Starting Therapy

Available for Interviews: Dr. Colleen Cira

Colleen Cira, PsyD, is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma and has worked with hundreds of people struggling with mental health issues.

What Dr. Cira can say in an interview on
Finding a Therapist:

Not surprisingly, mental health concerns are at an all-time high due to the pandemic. Here are some tips about starting therapy that the public can benefit from knowing:

    • There are many different types of therapists and levels of training: LSW’s, LCP’s, LSCW’s, LCPC’s, Psy.D. and Ph.D.  It’s important to understand what these things mean and how they are different. Only then can you figure out what’s best for you.* Continue reading “What to Know Before Starting Therapy”

What Do Hormones Have to Do With Your Mental Well-Being?

Available for Interviews: Dr. Eldred Taylor

Interview Dr. Eldred Taylor to answer all of your women’s health questions regarding hormonal imbalances and how to correct them. Dr. Taylor is a leader in the hormone industry and is passionate about helping women while using a holistic functional medicine approach.

What Dr. Taylor can say in an interview on the
Link Between Hormones and Our Well-Being:

      • Getting the full picture of what’s going on hormonally in the body helps to get on the right path to mental wellbeing.
      • These symptoms mimic bipolar disorder. Many times people are told they are dealing with bipolar but are never tested for hormone issues.  This is a big problem because it can absolutely be a hormone issue. Continue reading “What Do Hormones Have to Do With Your Mental Well-Being?”

How to End Career Fatigue When Working From Home

Available for Interviews: Saundra Dalton-Smith, MD

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is an internal medicine physician, a work-life integration researcher, and an international expert on mind-body-spirit connection. She is also an international speaker and bestselling author of Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity.

What Dr. Dalton-Smith  Can Say in an Interview on
How to End Career Fatigue When Working From Home:

  • Career fatigue is a precursor to burnout. It is characterized by a growing indifference about the work you do, a drop in productivity, and an increase in work-related stress. When working from home, the boundary lines between your personal and professional life can get blurry leading to more exhaustion.

Continue reading “How to End Career Fatigue When Working From Home”

Multitasking Is a Myth (Try This Instead)

Available for Interviews:  Dr. Karen Doll

Karen Doll, PsyD is a licensed psychologist, professional coach, and the author of the forthcoming book, Building Psychological Fitness: How High Performers Achieve With Ease.

What Dr. Doll can say in an interview on Multitasking:

Can we Really multitask?

      • The whole concept of multitasking is a fallacy.
        Our brains are not like computer operating systems
      • We are human beings. The brain can’t perform multiple tasks that require high-level functioning or processing at one time. 

Continue reading “Multitasking Is a Myth (Try This Instead)”

The New Normal in Travel This Season

Available for Interviews:  Christopher Elliott

Christopher Elliott is an author, advocate, and journalist. He writes six weekly columns about customer service, with a special emphasis on travel and technology. His work reaches more than 10 million readers a week. You
have likely read his work in USA Today or The Washington Post.

What Travel Expert and Consumer Advocate, Christopher Elliot,
could say about Travel:

“Travelers are realizing that the new normal means adapting to an ever-growing set of new policies and procedures, covering everything from coronavirus testing to sanitation protocols,” says Christopher Elliott.

COVID has changed the way we travel forever. But how?

If you’re planning to travel for the holidays, prepare for mask requirements on mass transit and to show a vaccination passport or proof of vaccination. Travel insurance may be mandatory, too.

Continue reading “The New Normal in Travel This Season”

Why the Future Workplace Is Not a Place At All

Available for Interviews:  Leni Rivera

Leni Rivera is a Workplace Experience specialist and author of its very first book in the industry, Workplace Experience. Her passion is creating work environments that enable employees to be both productive and happy, regardless of where that is. 

What Leni Rivera can say in an interview
on The Future of the Workplace

    • Working from home is here to stay. And when the pandemic starts to fade, workers will also be working in trains, airports, corporate hotels, and cafes.
    • Corporate offices will form a part of this new “workplace ecosystem,” and become one of the options available for employees to work.
    • As a result, the focus of the future workplace is shifting from where employees work to how they work, and companies will need to direct their resources to ensure their workers have what they need to be productive, engaged, and happy, regardless of where they are.


Interview: Leni Rivera

Leni Rivera is a Workplace Experience specialist and author of its very first book in the industry. Her passion is creating work environments that enable employees to be both productive and happy, regardless of where that is.

With a 20-year career spanning three continents and in corporate leadership roles in Interior Design, Real Estate Development, and Global Workplace Services, Leni has the unique ability to understand the impact of a physical environment on employee behavior, and corporate cultures.
Today, as the world begins emerging from the pandemic and organizations start to rethink the future of their workplace, Leni is front and center helping leaders and peers develop a Workplace Experience that drives safety, flexibility, and productivity, allowing employees and businesses to continue to thrive.

Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.

The US College System Is Broken. How One California School Is Disrupting Higher Education

Available for Interviews: Mat Jacobson

Mat Jacobson is the Founder & CEO of the Ducere Global Business School, and as a thought leader on innovation within education, is creating some of the industry’s most innovative educational platforms and projects. He is a regular media contributor on topics of business, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and has appeared in articles including Wealth Creator, Marketing Magazine, Business First, Smart Magazine, Start-Up Smart, and Business Builders.

What Mat Jacobson can say in an interview on
Affordable, Accessible, and Relevant University Degrees:

    • Three-Quarters of all US job postings require a bachelor’s degree. According to a recent Washington Post article on July 20, 2021, only one-third of the population has a degree. The math doesn’t add up.
    • Of students who go to college, 68% don’t graduate in four years. Half don’t graduate at all.

Continue reading “The US College System Is Broken. How One California School Is Disrupting Higher Education”

What Is Mindful Eating? 3 Steps to Developing Healthier Eating Habits

Available for Interviews: Dr. Alice Fong

Alice Fong, ND, is an integrative naturopathic doctor specializing in stress, integrative medicine, diet & weight loss, and is a business growth consultant for holistic healthcare providers.

What Dr. Alice Fong can say in an interview
on Mindful Eating

A lot of people have this idea that food is either good or bad so you have to restrict your intake to foods that are considered healthy. This has led to an explosion of so many diet programs such as Keto and intermittent fasting. However, there is something about diets that do not work for so many people. These diets often led to deprivation, frustration, and unnecessary stress.

Continue reading “What Is Mindful Eating? 3 Steps to Developing Healthier Eating Habits”